Monday, November 26, 2018

This is the season of giving.  I would like to think we give all year long.  What are some ways you plan to give back in the coming weeks?


  1. I want to donate some of mishas old toys that she doesnt use anymore. I cant wait to volunteer at Mitchell manor. I also wanted to look into soup kitchens and see if I can work something out.

  2. I think some simple ways of giving back I will do in the coming weeks, is being kind and respectful towards everyone around me.

  3. There are a lot of shelters around this time in search of donations as the weather gets colder and I think it would be very achievable to give a few pairs of socks or gloves or anything that would make surviving in harsh conditions a little more tolerable.

    1. Yes, so true. My friend works at a shelter and it is so wonderful to see all the support for the animals!

  4. To give back this time of year I really want to get my parents an individual gift to show them my appreciation for everything they've done for me and I enjoy going to Mitchell Manor and making them smile.
