Monday, January 14, 2019

Please reflect on this!  :)


  1. I love quotes like this that encourage people to stay motivated and work toward becoming a better version of themselves. They tend to show up when you need them most.

  2. That's exactly what one has to do in order to succeed, its exactly what everyone needs to hear and do because that is the key to success.

  3. This reminds me of the logo, "Just Do It!" If you have a goal go after it, at a graduation for an middle school there was a speech. The man asked, "If you had a choice to get in a car and take off on your dreams would you go, knowing it could only be you that could go?" So many students said they couldn't leave because they couldn't take their parent or loved ones with... instantly he shouted "That's wrong! Everyone has their own chance to get in that car, why would you stop your road to success because of someone else?" And then he continued to explain how your goals is your personal goals, not your moms, not your best friends, its for your future.

  4. This picture makes me think about success and never giving up. I feel like this is the way to success and becoming something in life because focusing on your future and your dreams is how you become successful.

  5. I love this quote because if you have your mind set on something go for it because you don't want to live your life in regret. I always go for what I want because you never know when it could be your last or if you'll ever get a second chance of doing it.

  6. I love this because this have been my motto since I've had Misha. Everything I do is for her and my family. I'm following my dream and focusing on everything thats going to get me to where Im trying to be. Getting my house, enrolling in college, applying to new jobs, all this is getting me closer and closer to my goals.
