Monday, February 10, 2020

Such a true and powerful statement. What storm came to clear your path? Mine was when I was in nursing school and I was placed in a nursing home.   I knew that was not the career for me and decided to drop out of nursing school.  I went home to tell my parents who were very disappointed.  It has now been 30 years of doing a job that I LOVE.  My path was cleared by the storm.


  1. A storm for me was moving, if I didn't move then I wouldn't have my angel.

  2. A storm for me was finding out I was pregnant, before I wasn't very focused I was losing interest in school and everything and my grades were dropping and Ailani motivated me to do better

  3. Becoming pregnant saved me from my past living situation.

  4. My storm was the whole messy situation with my dad, it cleared my mind. I met a side of myself that I don't always let out and my relationship with my mom kinda hit restart and we know how to manage each other better

  5. My storm was when I got fired from an old job, It helped lead me to this job I have now where I am more welcomed and make more money.

  6. being pregnant changed me for the better

  7. Thank you for sharing!
