Monday, October 15, 2018

Please share your thoughts on this:


  1. If getting your revenge harms or bothers your child in any way it shouldn't cross the parents mind at all. Getting back at your ex at the cost of your child's happiness is not worth it at all.

  2. I think a lot of times parents don't understand the pain they are putting their child through until its too late and the damage is already done. For this reason, its important to always consider the consequences of any action involving your child in the slightest. No parent is perfect but your kids well-being should come first.

  3. My dad never really tried hurting my mom but every time he'd come it'd be him trying to say stupid things to my mom and it would just ruin the whole experience. It even got to the point where my mom had to get a knife out to get him out of our home, I still remember everything to this day, it was traumatizing. I hate that I had to go through that and I dont think my dad realized how awful he made his visits. I'm glad Nick and I have a healthy relationship and we're able to disagree or even just talk in a positive way so Misha doesnt have to be scared or upset.

  4. I can relate to this picture a lot because my parents went through an ugly divorce. My siblings and I were right in the middle of it all and watched it all happen in front of us. It definitely made me look at my parents differently because of the way they acted and my mom would tell me things and my dad would tell me things that I never knew but it made me think differently about them both. It would've been much different if they didn't talk to us about everything that was going on.

  5. I feel that this is so true and sad because there are so many good, willing fathers out there that would like to be involved with their child/children, but females are too petty nowadays that if your not with them, then you can't see your child, an that's basically using your child as bait. I feel that everyone should put their feelings and pride aside and do whats best for their child, as long as there's no harm involved then don't hold your child hostage from their other parent. When parents do that, it usually comes back to bite them in the butt because the child will choose the other parent instead.
