Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Happy New Year!  What an exciting time in your life!  I am so very thrilled for all of you for your future endeavors!!  Share what you are planning for the new year!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Please share your favorites :).  Have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends!
Mrs. Colla :)

Monday, December 10, 2018

To a joyful present and a well remembered past. Best wishes for Happy Holidays and a magnificent New Year.

I read this little note and thought...how wonderful.  What would this quote mean to you?

Monday, December 3, 2018

I love this quote that I came across.  Pausing, stopping and noticing the little things really makes a difference in our daily happiness.

What little things have you noticed?

Monday, November 26, 2018

This is the season of giving.  I would like to think we give all year long.  What are some ways you plan to give back in the coming weeks?

Monday, November 12, 2018

What makes you laugh so hard?  What makes you so happy?  The holidays can be super exciting and fun and they can also be depressing for some.  How is it for you?

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veteran's Day is November 11th.  We are so lucky to be living in a country where we can sleep each night knowing that the military is there protecting us.  Those in the military give of themselves and are incredibly selfless.  Share what you would like to say to those who serve.

Monday, November 5, 2018

This quote really is true.  What are you doing to be positive?

I would say I continue to work out daily for 30 minutes and spend time with family and friends.  I eat healthy and... I also have a job that I LOVE!

Monday, October 29, 2018

If you think of your childhood fun...what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  I would have to say for me, it is playing on the landing of our back hallway between my house which was a duplex.  My parents lived upstairs and my grandparents'  house was downstairs.  I would sing and play with my make believe friends :).  I would have tea parties and pretend to be cooking.  Allowing children to be creative and imagine is such a gift!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fall is such a fun time for children and adults!  Although the warm weather is quickly disappearing, it surely is sweatshirt and jean weather.  Some of my happiest memories as a child are from fall.  My mom always made us such wonderful costumes.  She went all out and it made me feel special.  We also had so much fun trick or treating and raking leaves and then jumping in them.  I have some amazing memories with my own children in fall.  We would go to pumpkin farms and always carve pumpkins.  We also would have a children's Halloween party.  How have you enjoyed fall?  What do you plan to do this year with your child or child on the way?
Please share :).

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

Experiencing new things helps us learn and grow.  For example, many of you had not been to a play at the Milwaukee Rep.  We learned so much from this play and from the message.  What would you like to experience with your child or what have you experienced lately with your child that has been new and has helped you to grow as a person? 

Monday, October 1, 2018

 Laughing and humor are  key components of being happy What have you laughed about today?

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

This is one of my favorite pictures of two of my daughters.  It really needs no caption.  They are having so much fun and are truly best friends.  Laughter and humor need to be used each and
everyday in your lives.  We laugh everyday in our house.  Now that does not mean we are always happy with one another, but we laugh, just like we do here each and everyday!  How will you or do you promote laughter and humor in your home?

Monday, September 17, 2018

We are learning a lot about being resilient.  Below is a list of ways to support resiliency.  What is most helpful for you right now and why?  What is most helpful in your ability to parent?  Please share your thoughts.
Have a wonderful day!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year!  So very exciting.  We have a lot to celebrate.  A new school, childcare provided and a new school year.   I am looking forward to our lively classroom discussions and learning and growing with all of you as we begin our new school year in this amazing new location.  Please share what you are looking forward to this school year.  
<3 Mrs. Colla